Mastering Marketing and Sales Alignment: The Ultimate Guide to Marketo and Salesforce Sync

Did you know that a study shows that companies with strong alignment between their sales and marketing teams achieve 20% annual revenue growth? Marketo and Salesforce are two of the most powerful marketing and sales tools. Marketo helps businesses engage with customers and prospects through email marketing, social media, and more. Salesforce provides solutions for managing customer data, sales processes, and interactions.

Let’s explore how the integration works, its benefits to your business, and the best practices for maintaining a seamless sync between these two platforms.

Mastering Marketing and Sales Alignment: The Ultimate Guide to Marketo and Salesforce Sync

Importance of Integrating Marketo and Salesforce Sync:

Integrating Marketo and Salesforce is more than just a technical enhancement. It’s a strategic move that significantly benefits your business operations. By Marketo and Salesforce sync, you can create a seamless flow of information between marketing and sales teams, ensuring everyone is on the same page. This integration leads to consistent data, improved customer insights, and increased efficiency, all of which contribute to a more effective and cohesive approach to customer engagement and business growth.

• Alignment of Sales and Marketing:

Marketo and Salesforce sync ensures that marketing and sales teams work with the same data and insights. This alignment helps create a unified strategy in which marketing can generate leads that meet sales criteria, and sales can provide feedback to marketing on lead quality.

• Data Consistency:

When Marketo and Salesforce are integrated, any updates made in one platform are automatically reflected in the other. This synchronization eliminates data discrepancies, ensures everyone has the most accurate information, and enhances overall data integrity.

• Improved Customer Insights:

Integration leads to better customer insights by combining marketing engagement data from Marketo with sales interaction data from Salesforce. This comprehensive view of customer behavior allows for more personalized and targeted marketing campaigns, and sales teams can also improve their chances of closing deals.

• Increased Efficiency:

Automating Marketo and Salesforce sync streamlines processes and saves valuable time. Manual data entry and updates are minimized, reducing the risk of errors. This automation allows marketing and sales teams to focus on their core activities—creating effective campaigns and closing sales.

How the Marketo and Salesforce Sync Works?

Marketo and Salesforce sync involves exchanging data through their respective APIs. This integration allows the platforms to share and update information in real-time or at scheduled intervals, ensuring that both systems reflect the most current data. The sync includes various data types, including lead information, contact details, campaign statuses, etc.

  • Data Flow:

The data flow between Marketo and Salesforce is bidirectional, meaning information can move between the two systems. This ensures that changes made in one platform are reflected in the other, maintaining data consistency and accuracy across both.

  • Lead Information:

When a new lead is created in Marketo, it is automatically synced to Salesforce. This ensures that the sales team can immediately follow up on new leads generated by marketing campaigns. The sync includes essential lead details such as contact information, engagement history, and lead scores.

  • Lead Updates:

Any lead and contact information updates in Salesforce are reflected in Marketo. This includes changes to contact details, status updates, and any additional information gathered by the sales team. This bidirectional update process ensures both platforms have the most current and complete data.

  • Campaign Sync:

Marketing campaigns created in Marketo can be synced with Salesforce, allowing sales teams to see which campaigns drive engagement and generate leads. This sync includes campaign statuses, performance metrics, and other relevant data, providing a comprehensive view of marketing efforts and their impact on sales.

  • Sync Frequency and Scheduling:

The sync frequency between Marketo and Salesforce can be customized based on business needs. It can occur in real-time, at regular intervals (e.g., every 5 minutes, hourly, or daily), or be triggered by specific events. Scheduling options provide flexibility, allowing businesses to balance the need for up-to-date information with system performance considerations.

Setting Up the Sync:

Following the below steps will help ensure a successful setup and smooth operation of the Marketo and Salesforce sync, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing and sales efforts.


  • User Permissions: Ensure you have admin-level access in both Marketo and Salesforce.
  • API Access: Obtain API access credentials for both platforms.
  • Marketo Edition: Confirm that your Marketo subscription includes the Salesforce integration feature.
  • Salesforce Edition: Ensure your Salesforce edition supports API access (e.g., Enterprise or higher).

Step-by-Step Setup Guide:

Step 1 - Connecting Marketo to Salesforce:

1. Log into your Marketo account.

2. Go to the Admin panel.

3. Under the Integrations section, select “Salesforce.”

4. Click “New Connection”.

5. Enter your Salesforce credentials (username, password, and security token).

6. Click “Connect” to establish the connection.

Step 2 - Mapping Fields:

1. In the Marketo Admin panel, go to “Field Management.”

2. Click on “Salesforce Object Sync”.

3. Map Marketo fields to corresponding Salesforce fields.

Example: Map “Lead Email” in Marketo to “Email” in Salesforce.

4. Save the field mappings.

Step 3 - Customizing Sync Settings:

1. In the Marketo Admin panel, go to “Salesforce Sync Options.”

2. Choose the sync frequency (e.g., real-time, every 5 minutes, hourly).

3. Set up specific criteria for syncing leads and contacts (e.g., sync only leads with a certain lead score).

4. Configure data flow direction (e.g., bidirectional, Marketo to Salesforce only, Salesforce to Marketo only).

Step 4 - Testing the Sync:

1. Create a test lead in Marketo.

2. Check Salesforce to ensure the lead appears with the correct data.

3. Update the lead information in Salesforce.

4. Verify that the updated information is reflected in Marketo.

5. Repeat with a test campaign to ensure campaign data syncs correctly.

6. Monitor for sync errors or discrepancies and adjust settings as needed.

Benefits of the Marketo and Salesforce Sync:

  1. Enhanced Lead Management:
  • Ensures that all lead data is up-to-date and accessible on both platforms.
  • Allows to track leads from initial contact to conversion.
  • Allows sales teams to see the full history of a lead’s interactions.
  • Makes follow-ups more effective and timelier.
  1. Better Sales Insights:
  • Sales teams gain better visibility into lead activity and behavior through the synced data.
  • The sales team can gain detailed insights into how leads have engaged with marketing materials, such as email opens and content downloads.
  1. Improved Marketing ROI:
  • Marketo and Salesforce sync enables marketing teams to track ROI and campaign effectiveness more accurately.
  • Allows the marketing team to allocate resources more effectively and optimize future campaigns for better results.
  1. Streamlined Communication:
  • Enhances communication and collaboration between sales and marketing teams.
  • With access to the same data and insights, sales and marketing teams can coordinate their efforts more efficiently.
  • Ensure a consistent message is being delivered to leads and customers.

Common Challenges and Solutions in Marketo and Salesforce Sync:

Challenge 1 - Data Duplication:

Data duplication occurs when the same lead or contact is created multiple times in Marketo or Salesforce, leading to confusion and inaccuracies.


  • Deduplication Tools: Use deduplication tools available in Marketo and Salesforce to automatically identify and merge duplicate records.
  • Unique Identifiers: To prevent duplicates, ensure each lead and contact has a unique identifier (e.g., email address).
  • Data Hygiene Practices: Regularly audit and manually clean your database to remove duplicates.

Challenge 2 - Sync Conflicts:

Sync conflicts arise when there are discrepancies between the data in Marketo and Salesforce, often due to simultaneous updates or incompatible data types.


  • Conflict Resolution Rules: Set up conflict resolution rules in the sync settings to determine which system’s data takes precedence.
  • Audit Trails: Enable audit trails in both systems to track changes and identify the source of conflicts.
  • Regular Monitoring: Regularly monitor sync logs to detect and resolve conflicts as they arise quickly.

Challenge 3 - Field Mapping Issues:

Field mapping issues occur when fields in Marketo do not correspond correctly to fields in Salesforce, leading to incomplete or incorrect data transfer.


  • Consistent Field Naming: To make mapping easier and more intuitive, use consistent naming conventions for fields in both systems.
  • Mapping Review: Regularly review and update field mappings to ensure they are accurate and aligned with current data requirements.
  • Custom Fields: If necessary, create custom fields in Marketo and Salesforce to capture and correctly map all important data.
  • Documentation: Maintain thorough documentation of all field mappings to ensure clarity and facilitate troubleshooting.

Key Takeaways:

  • Syncing Marketo and Salesforce aligns teams for unified strategies.
  • Consistent data ensures better insights and smoother customer journeys.
  • Enhanced lead management and improved sales visibility are key benefits.
  • Marketo and Salesforce sync boosts marketing ROI and efficiency.
  • Address challenges like data duplication and sync conflicts proactively.
  • Accurate field mapping and regular testing are essential for success.

Transform your marketing and sales alignment with Marketo and Salesforce Sync!

Marmato Digital can help you unlock the full potential of your marketing and sales efforts by integrating Marketo with Salesforce. Our expert team specializes in seamless integration solutions, ensuring your marketing and sales teams are always on the same page. Experience the benefits of enhanced lead management, improved sales insights, and streamlined communication. Contact us today to take the first step towards better alignment and increased efficiency.

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